15/03/20 – CompassSport Cup and Trophy Heat – Cranham

15/03/20 – CompassSport Cup and Trophy Heat – Cranham
Date Event Signed From Parking Organiser
Sun 15th March CompassSport Cup and Trophy Heat
Cranham East

What3Words: salmon.elevates.polo
O: Roger Edwards
P: Joe Parkinson
07890 319147

Click here to download these details in PDF format

NGOC is pleased to welcome 14 clubs and over 450 competitors to the South West CompassSport Cup and Trophy Qualifying Heat.

Competing in the Cup competition are: BKO, BOK, DEVON, NGOC, QO
and in the Trophy competition are : BADO, KERNO, NWO, SARUM, SBOC, SOC, SWOC, WIM, WSX

The highest scoring cup club and the two highest scoring Trophy clubs will qualify for the Final.

Travel & Venue

The event is centred at a private camp site off the B4070, 2km south west of Birdlip, SO914127, GL4 8HG. Orienteering signs will be placed at the entrance and 200m from it in each direction. Traffic on the road is light but fast, Drivers take care entering and leaving the site. Please follow instructions from marshals to park on the camping field (open from 09:00). Minibuses will park on hard standing or in the field near the entrance if not too wet. There is no parking charge.

The Area

We are grateful to Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust, Wicombe Estate and other private landowners for allowing us access to the woods around Cranham and Cooper’s Hill. The terrain is mixed woodland, mainly open and runnable, but steep in places. There is a road crossing for the Blue and longer courses (see Safety).

The Map

LIDAR-based, ISOM 2017, updated January 2020, scale 1:10,000, 5m contours, on waterproof paper (see below for paper size). All maps are overlaid with course, control descriptions and legend.


There are 9 colour courses for the competition (12 CS classes), and 3 colour courses for those not in the competition, plus a string course.

CS Class Course Age Classes Length(Km) Climb(m) Controls Map Size
1 Brown Men Open 8.6 340 23 A3
2 Short Brown M20-, M40+ 7.5 265 17 A3
3 Blue Women Women Open 5.8 240 18 A3
4 Blue Men M50+ 5.8 225 16 A3
5 Green Women W20-, W45+ 3.8 180 11 A4
6 Green men M60+ 3.7 195 12 A4
7 Short Green 1 M70+, W60+ 2.9 125 11 A4
8A Green J Men M18- 3.6 180 11 A4
8B/10 Short Green 2 W18-, M80+, W70+ 2.8 100 11 A4
9A/9B Orange M14-, W14- 2.6 120 9 A4
Light Green Any 3.0 135 10 A4
Yellow Any 2.1 45 9 A4
White Any 2.0 35 12 A4

There will also be a string course close to Assembly.

Entry information

Competition courses are entered only through your club captain (no EOD – sorry).

Non-competition courses are EOD only. Entry fees (before any subsidy by your club):

Course Senior Junior(under 21) Comment
White, yellow, Light Green £6 £3 EOD only
All CS Classes £10 £5 Pre-entered only

Registration for Non-competition courses (10:00 to 12:00)

Go to the registration tent. You need your fee and registration slip, which can be obtained and filled out in the tent next to registration, or downloaded from the NGOC website and completed in advance.


All courses use SPORTident (SI) in contact mode only. Controls will not be SIAC enabled because we cannot supply enough SIAC to satisfy British Orienteering recommendations on fair play.

SI hire: seniors £1, juniors free (£35 if lost)

The Start

The Start is 400m SW of registration, along taped level paths, and is used for all courses. Clear your dibbers at the clear control located before the start box.

Start for competitors on competition courses (timed from 10:30 to 13:00):

  • Make sure you remember your physical course name and start time (see your club captain)
  • A start list will be posted on the NGOC website, at assembly and at the start
  • The start box will be 4 sections/minutes deep, with a call-up as follows:
    • -4 Dibber check, clothing check
    • -3 Pickup control descriptions
    • -2 View blank map
    • -1 Wait to start, late instructions
  • If late, see the rescheduling official for a new time slot (it may be a long wait for a slot so don’t be late)

The Finish

The Finish is 100m from the download tent. If you cannot complete the course, you must still report to download, else you will be assumed lost and a search will be undertaken.

Maps will be collected by officials until 13:00, after which they will be handed to club captains.

Courses close at 15:00

Results will appear on screens outside download very shortly after you download; and on the NGOC website as soon as practicable after the event (within 24 hours).


Five portaloos are available in the camping field between registration and the start.

First aid is located next to the registration/download tent.

Hot food and drink is available from Podium Catering

Club tents may be placed in the clearing near the finish (see organiser).

There is no orienteering kit on sale.


Competitors take part at their own risk (a risk assessment is available to read at assembly).

Please heed all warnings given at the start, and ensure that:

  • You carry a whistle to summon help if unable to return to the assembly area
  • You are dressed for the occasion (in bad weather, competitors may be required to wear a cagoule)
  • For those on a Blue, Short Brown or Brown course: take care crossing a minor road, which will be marshalled at two obligatory crossing points. Vehicles are not frequent but may be fast moving

You may encounter walkers, bikers and horse riders in the area. Please take extra care on paths.

There is no clothing dump other than what may be provided in club tents.

Dogs are not allowed on competition courses but can be on-lead on non-competition courses, and in parking and assembly.


Still and video photography is allowed. Head cameras may be used in the competition area. Do not publish close-up images of children without obtaining their consent and that of their parents.


Address any concerns or complaints to the organiser on the day. If not satisfied, a protest may be made to the controller in writing (form provided). A qualified jury will arbitrate any further dispute.


Please check the NGOC website (https://www.ngoc.org.uk/) on the evening before the event for late changes or cancellation due to bad weather.

Organiser: Roger Edwards, NGOC
Home: 01684 566552, Mobile: 07890 319147, rogeredwards001@btinternet.com
Planner: Joe Parkinson, NGOC
Controller: Alan Honey, BOK