The 2024 League
Today we wrapped up the NGOC 2024 League, with a lovely day at Lightning Tree Hill. The weather was kind, cold but bright, and people seemed to enjoy themselves. Huge thanks to James Askew for a great set of courses, and of course to all his helpers.
It was particularly good to see an old NGOC face - David Lee, pictured here with today's planner, James Askew - who was back to remember his planning on Lightning Tree of the 1987 British Champs.
Results, overall league winners and standings, and Routegadget are all available on the Results page.
Also on the Results page you can find a link to a simple comment sheet, something we have newly introduced to give you a chance to offer us constructive comment and criticism of the day. It's anonymous, unless you want a personal response, and designed to help us improve our skills, and the quality of our events.
Finally, we finish off our 2024 orienteering calendar with a Christmas MapRun in Ebley, next Wednesday, 18 December, so come and have a mince pie or two and mulled wine after a fun run through the Ebley locality. Entries are open on Fabian4.