The Christmas Challenge has now finished. Well done to the three runners reaching the chocolate threshold – Tim Jones, Ian Phillips and Si Read – but also to everyone else who had a go. Results were not on the same scale as in previous years, but we were a bit late announcing it, and the weather has not been particularly conducive on many days to getting out for a run. Next year we will give you more notice.
Special mention should be made of Si Read’s efforts, as he is slowly recovering from foot operations, but still managed to earn himself a large bar of chocolate. However, the top prize this year goes to Tim Jones of Croft Ambrey Running club, who completed all 9 runs in a single day, and those did not include all the close proximity MapRuns around Cheltenham and Gloucester. In doing so he covered about 57 running Km, at an average of just under 15 controls per run, and roughly 60 minutes running, so no cheap short shots! Click here to see how he managed it. I feel that a gauntlet has been thrown down, and look forward to someone picking it up – someone a lot younger than me!
The final leader board looks like this. Prizes will be available to pick up at forthcoming events, or via a trusted messenger in Tim’s case, maybe a a Fell Race somewhere. If I have missed any of your runs, drop me a line.