NGOC is very pleased to welcome you to the glorious Forest of Dean for the Caddihoe Chase weekend of orienteering. Alongside the two day Caddihoe Chase, we are pleased to be hosting the Veterans Home International (VHI) race, as well as the South West Long Distance Championships, the RAF Orienteering Championships, and an Interland selection race for English M/W14-18 runners.
On Day 1, Saturday 30 September, we stage the SW Long Distance Championships, VHI individual races, and the first race of the Caddihoe Chase, as well as the RAF Orienteering Championships and the Interland Selection race. So a busy day of racing for lots of of different reasons.
Then on Day 2 the VHI relay will precede the second half of the Caddihoe Chase. The essence of a Chase is that on the second day your race picks up where it left off the day before; the clock stops at your finish time on day 1, and restarts in effect at the same time the next day. Chasing starts are a rarity these days, and we hope that you will stay around overnight to pick up where you left off the day before, and experience the challenge and excitement of true head to head racing. In this format the winner of each class is the first person past the post on day 2.
Entries are now open at Fabian4. the early closing date is midnight on Sunday 10th September, and final closing date is midnight on Sunday 24th September.
Organisers: Pat Macleod, Rhiannon Fadeyibi, NGOC
Planners: Greg Best, NGOC(Individual courses); Paul Taunton, NGOC(Relays)
Controller: Charles Daniel, BOK
Queries? Email Pat
17/09/23 - We have made further and hopefully largely final changes to these details, and these are highlighted in red below.
26/09/23 - We have managed to secure the services of two caterers for the weekend, but due to licencing issues we have to locate them in the parking field, and not in the arena. This means that there will be no food and beverage sales available in the arena. Note also that as in the arena the parking field has no phone signal to speak of, so you will need cash to pay the traders. Compasspoint will be present, but Rom has not yet confirmed whether in the parking area or the arena. If you can bring a bike, it could be a useful way to travel between the two event sites.
General Information for the Weekend
These details apply to the weekend as a whole. For specific information on each day, please see the relevant day section.
Pleas note that there is almost no phone signal in the arena. You may wish to leave your phones in your cars, but you will need cash to buy from the traders at the arena.
If you are a VHI runner, or interested in the VHI event, please see the VHI section below
Travel Information
Parking for both days is in the field by Speech House Hotel. From there, on Day 1 there is a 1.3km largely flat walk to the arena. The walk is all on hard tracks and is pushchair and wheelchair friendly. It is the red line on the adjacent map. On Day 2 there is a slightly longer 1.6km walk, mainly on hard tracks, but with a 400m stretch of grassy footpath and a short woodland section at the end. The last part through the wood can be by-passed on a slightly longer hard track route. This route is probably manageable for pushchairs but a bit tricky in places. This is the blue line on the map. Regrettably there is no room at the arena for any competitor parking, but there is room for club tents, for which we will provide a ferry service from the car park.
What Three Words: ///defenders.reception.bubbles
Grid Reference: SO620120
Please note that overnight camping is not permitted in the Speech House Hotel parking field

The Area
We will be using different parts of the overall Mallards Pike map for each day, with relatively little overlap between the days.
The overall area is typical Forest of Dean mixed woodland. Runnability is generally very good throughout the area, though there has been thinning work in some blocks, with resulting brashings, and there are intermittent patches of heavy windblow, mapped as Fight.
Bracken is widespread throughout the forest at this time of year. Only the worst areas, where the bracken is felt likely to impede progress significantly, have been mapped, and courses have been designed to avoid these where possible.
There are large numbers of deer and boar in the forest, the latter still with juvenile families. It is quite possible that you will encounter boar during your run. They are very rarely aggressive, and will generally seek to avoid human beings, but with numbers of runners off track in the forest there is a very small risk that they may feel themselves to be cornered, in which case they may approach you. You are strongly advised to allow them space, and give way to families and large males. Juniors should be advised that they may encounter boar on the paths. Once again they should stop and allow them space, or walk slowly towards them, in which case the boar will generally make off into the undergrowth.
There are many small unmapped paths throughout the area, created by wildlife and mountain bikers, although the main MTB tracks are mapped.
The area is very popular with dog walkers, riders and the general public. They will have been informed about the event, by means of notices posted around the area, but you should be courteous towards them, and not treat the forest as your own (even if some of them try to!)
The map has undergone a thorough revision using Lidar data, with very many days been spent surveying and checking. The huge number of drainage ditches have been checked and re-drawn, the vegetation has been checked and updated for early autumn conditions and all point and contour features have been reviewed and updated where necessary. The worst areas of summer vegetation, mainly bracken, are highlighted with green stripes. For more details on the area and mapping used for each day, see the individual Day sections.
The following special symbols are used on all maps:
Hide - x
Mineshaft - o
The ditches have been carefully re-surveyed and drawn such that when the blue dashes meet, it means the ditches actually join on the ground, but when the dashes do not quite join up, it means the ditches do not join on the ground either, as shown in this map snippet. Note that ditches vary in depth between about 30 cm and 1 metre.
Power lines are not shown on the map
Electronic Punching
We will use SportIdent electronic punching, with touch free punching enabled, although Start and Finish must be punched on both days. There are no courses with more than 32 controls, and the SI controls will support all SI card types. Lost standard hired dibbers will be charged at £35, and SIACs at £50.
Enquiries and Registration
Enquiries, EOD Registration and dibber hire are co-located in the arena on each day. Runners wishing to change course details or pre-entered dibber numbers must complete a change slip at Enquiries. Please see the relevant Day page for details on changes to start times.
Bags and labels will be available at Enquiries for the safekeeping of smart phones and other devices, as well as car keys and valuables, whilst you are out on your run. These will be held at Enquiries, which will be manned throughout the event, but the club will not accept any responsibility for the loss of such items.
Regrettably there is little or no phone signal in the arena, so you may wish to leave phones in the car.
Results will be displayed by means of paper lists in the Arena, due to the lack of phone signal to upload results to the website.
First Aid
Event First Aid is provided by NGOC.
The nearest hospital with a minor injuries unit is Lydney Hospital, Grove Rd, Lydney GL15 5JE, tel: 0300 421 8722
The nearest Accident and Emergency Hospital is Gloucester Royal Hospital, Great Western Road, Gloucester, GL1 3NN, Tel: 0845 4222222
Drinks will not be provided. Please bring your own or purchase drinks from the food vendors.
- Please note the warnings above regarding boar.
- Full body cover – legs and torso, as defined by BOF - is mandatory for all runners on all courses. Runners in shorts will be refused permission to start.
- Although unlikely in late September, in the event of extreme wet, cold or windy weather you will be required to carry or wear a cagoule. A decision will be made, based on the then Met Office forecast, and published on the event website no later than 8pm on Friday 29th September, and likewise on Saturday 30 September, as to whether cagoules are required or not. The decision will also be posted in the arena, and on the routes from parking; given the distance from parking to the arena, if you have not been able to check the web the previous evening it would be prudent to have a cagoule in your kit bag anyway!
- Runners are strongly advised to carry a whistle.
- Due to the prevalence of boar and deer in the forest, ticks are omnipresent, and tick-borne disease is a risk, albeit a small one. Apart from abiding by the full body cover rule, you should examine yourselves and your children carefully for ticks after your run. Tick tweezers will be available at First Aid if required. Lyme disease is a particularly unpleasant condition which can be caused by tick bites. Go to for more information on Lyme disease and its symptoms.
- Some Day 1 course runners may pass past mine shafts which will be marked with black and yellow tape
- If you are travelling and running alone you may wish to leave details of yourself and your car with enquiries.
Biosecurity is of great concern to the Forestry Commission in the Forest of Dean, and although there are none in the competition area, some parts of the forest remain subject to Statutory Control Notices for Larch disease(Phytophthora ramorum). Furthermore, in order to help minimise the risk of spreading Ash die back disease (Chalara fraxinea) British Orienteering has issued the following advice to all clubs on the biosecurity measures that should be taken by all orienteers (i.e. Planners, Controllers and control hangers, as well as competitors) when holding or participating in an area suspected to contain Ash trees. This includes all of the competition area, so please do what you can to comply with these instructions.
- Thoroughly clean all footwear before leaving the area, ensuring that all mud, soil and leaf litter is removed.
- On returning home, rinse all boots and shoes in a chlorine based cleaner or garden fungicide and allow them to dry thoroughly. N.B. please read the manufacturer's label and follow their instructions on use and disposal of the product.
- Thoroughly wash and dry all kit and any other clothing that may potentially have been contaminated with fungal spores.
- Clothing and footwear should not be reused for at least 48 hours after drying.
- Please do what you can to help prevent the spread of these diseases.
Dogs on leads are permitted in the parking and assembly areas. Due to the large numbers of boar and deer in the forest, including young families, dogs are not permitted on any course on any day.. Note that the walk to the arena from parking is a very popular dog walking route, and dogs must be kept under control. You must also clean up after your dog, and not follow the habits of far too many other dog walkers in this area. Special bins will be provide for the disposal of poop bags in the arena.
Toilets will be available at parking and in the arena.
CompassPoint should be present each day, subject to confirmation
Regrettably Tom and Julie Wilkinson have had to cancel their attendance, due to ongoing health problems, and we wish them both all the best for a quick recovery. We are urgently seeking replacement caterers.
Prizegiving for the SW Long Distance Championships will take place in the arena at Courses Close time on Day 1, which is 15:30 or thereabouts
Prizegiving for the VHI will be held at about 12:00 on Day 2, in the arena.
Prizegiving for the Caddihoe Chase will take place again on Day 2 in the arena at about 14:30.
Cancellation Arrangements
Whilst we are not aware of any likely circumstance which might lead to the cancellation of the event, there is always a possibility of high winds causing Forestry England to close the forest. There is no perceived threat at the moment, but the weather can be fickle. We will monitor the weather and other potential constraints, and will provide regular updates here in the event of any such risk materialising. In the worst case, we will take a decision on the evening of Thursday 28 September, and will publish that here and on NGOC social media channels, no later that 20:00 that evening. Make sure you check here before travelling
Entry Information
Entry to the SW Championships and Caddihoe Chase is by age class. The mapping of age classes to course will be as set out in British Orienteering Rules, Appendix B, para 8.6, and shown in the table below, but with
- There is no Long Orange course. M21N runners should enter M21S.
However, if you wish to run non-competitively you may enter by colour (i.e. course) class. In this case your results will appear alongside those of all runners on your course, but you will be non-competitive as far as Championship positions are concerned.
You must be a member of a SWOA club on race day to qualify for the South West Long Distance Championships. You will be asked to confirm this when you enter.
W35 runners interested in matching themselves against their national team peers should note that VHI W35 runners will run Short Brown as set out below, and not Blue . They should enter W21. W35 runners also qualified to compete for the South West Championship face something of a dilemma, and will, of course, compete in the class they choose to enter!
Course | Age Classes | B/Short Age Classes |
Black | M21 | |
Brown | M35, M40 | |
Short Brown | M18, M20, M45, M50, W21 | M21S |
Blue | M16, M55, M60, W35, W40 | M35S, M40S |
Short Blue | M65, W18, W20, W45, W50 | M18S, M20S, M45S, M50S, W21S |
Green | M70, W16, W55, W60 | M55S, M60S, W35S, W40S |
Short Green | M75, M80, M85, M90, W65, W70 | M65S, W18S, W20S, W45S, W50S |
Very Short Green | W75, W80, W85, W90 | M70S, M75S, M80S, M85S, W55S, W60S, W65S, W70S |
Light Green | M14, W14 | M16B, W16B |
Orange | M12, W12 | M14B, W14B |
Yellow | M10, W10 | M12B, W12B |
White | M10B, W10B |
The following EOD courses will be available each day: White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green. Please note that there is no entry on the day for the South West Championships and Caddihoe age class courses.
There will also be a free string course each day.
Entry Fees
Day 1 | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 2 | |
Before 11/09/23 | Before 25/09/23 | Before 11/09/23 | Before 25/09/23 | |
Senior | £15.00 | £18.00 | £10.00 | £14.00 |
Junior | £7.00 | £8.00 | £5.00 | £6.00 |
Family* | £37.00 | £44.00 | £25.00 | £34.00 |
Senior dibber hire, per day | £1.00 | |||
Senior Touch Free hire, per day | £2.00 | |||
Junior dibber hire, per day | Free | |||
Junior Touch Free hire, per day | £1.00 | |||
Senior non-BOF supplement | £2.00 | £2.00 | ||
Junior non-BOF supplement | Nil | Nil | ||
Senior EOD | £10.00 | |||
Junior EOD | £5.00 |
Entry is via, and is open now. Please note the following regarding entry:
- Entry is by Age Class only, if competing in the SW Championships and/or Caddihoe Chase. If you choose to run up a course then select an age class for the course you wish to run. If you run down likewise choose an age class appropriate for the selected course. Note that you will not be competitive in either the SW Championships or the Caddihoe Chase in this latter case, nor will you be if you choose to enter by colour class. Colour classes are listed in the Fabian system after all age classes.
- You will be allocated a start time for Day 1 - the South West Championships - in accordance, as far as possible, with a preference stated on entry. For Day 2 - the Caddihoe Chase - your start time will be determined by your finish time on Day 1. See further details in the Day 2 section below.
- Juniors in M/W14-18 classes will all be treated as seeded runners, and will be allocated start slots with at least 4 minute separation from others in your class. In order to be eligible for selection to the England Interland team you should ensure that your GBR Country code is ENG. If you have entered already you can change your country code by amending your Fabian entry, or by emailing the Organiser. You should also enter early to have a better chance of start time allocation within your preferred start window.
The deadline for early, lower fee, entries, is midnight on Sunday 10th September, and the final closing date is midnight on Sunday 24 September.
Day 1 - SW Long Distance Championships and VHI Individual Race
On Day 1 we host the South West Long Distance Championships, the VHI Individual race, and the RAFO Championships. Parking is in the Speech House Hotel field and there is a 1.3Km largely flat walk from there to the Arena.
The Area
The terrain for Day 1 has plenty of variety, although most of it is wooded. There are flat areas with an extensive network of drainage ditches, there are former mining areas with tips and there are other hilly areas with plenty of features. Runnability is generally very good, although there is likely still to be summer vegetation in some parts, particularly bracken.
Day 1 Starts
There is a single start 500-700m from the Arena, this subject to final course planning. The route to the start crosses part of some junior courses. Please look out for and do not hinder juniors on their courses.
VHI runners will start between 10:00 and 11:00, with Caddihoe/SW Champs runners starting from 11:15 or thereabouts.
All runners other than those entering on the day, and Yellow and White course runners, will have an allocated start time. Please try to make your allocated start time if possible. Late starters should report to a Start Official. They will be slotted in as soon as possible but there may be a long wait on some courses. EOD runners and helpers will be slotted in by the Start team on available start slots. These runners should make their way directly to the Start when ready; there is no requirement for latecomers and helpers to go to Enquiries to obtain a start time. Yellow and White course runners will have open start times, meaning that they can pick up their maps in pre-start, and start when ready. They will be slotted into the start grid at -4.
All runners must punch the Start control; it is your responsibility to make sure you do so.
There is a taped route to the start flag, which all runners must follow in its entirety.
The start procedure is as follows:
-4 minutes - Call up and check
-3 Control Descriptions, SIAC Test, and and late instructions
-2 Blank maps
-1 Map pickup
0 Punch the start and follow the taped route to the Start flag
Day 1 Courses
Courses are subject to final controlling.
No | Course | Distance(Km) | Climb(m) | Controls | Map size | Scale |
1 | Black | 10.7 | 340 | 27 | A3 | 1:10,000 |
2 | Brown | 9.0 | 310 | 23 | A3 | 1:10,000 |
3 | Short Brown | 7.5 | 250 | 21 | A3 | 1:10,000 |
4 | Blue | 5.9 | 210 | 16 | A3 | 1:10,000 |
5 | Short Blue | 5.2 | 135 | 17 | A3 | 1:10,000 |
6 | Green | 4.4 | 115 | 11 | A4 | 1:10,000 |
7 | Short Green | 4.1 | 70 | 13 | A4 | 1:10,000 |
8 | Very Short Green | 3.5 | 55 | 10 | A4 | 1:10,000 |
9 | Light Green | 3.8 | 40 | 11 | A4 | 1:10,000 |
10 | Orange | 3.2 | 25 | 9 | A4 | 1:10,000 |
11 | Yellow | 2.8 | 15 | 11 | A4 | 1:10,000 |
12 | White | 2.0 | 10 | 12 | A4 | 1:10,000 |
The Finish
The Finish is located towards the eastern end of the Arena, and download will be further down the tarmac road. Please download as soon as you finish. You must report to download even if you do not complete your course.
Day 2 Start times
Day 2 start times are determined by your finish time on day 1, or by specific queueing rules for those who do not record a finish time on Day 1. Your start time will be published on the NGOC website no later than 20:00 on Day 1, and will be available in printed form in the car park and the arena early on Day 2. You can also work out your Day 2 start time by reading the start time details in the Day 2 section of these details, below.
The String course on Day 1 is located on the South side of the arena, with start and finish close to Enquiries. It will be open from 10:30 to 14:30. Parents and guardians should be aware that it includes one or two steep-ish banks and ditches which small legs might find a bit of a challenge - or just very exciting. It features the Forest Zoo!
Day 2 - The Caddihoe Chase and VHI Relay
On Day 2 there is a slightly longer walk to the Arena, to avoid the competition area. The final section is a short cut through the woods, which can be bypassed via a longer track option, adding about 200m.
There is a spectator control close to the arena on Day 2, used by all relay and the longer Caddihoe courses. We will mark an area in the arena with visibility of the control.
The Day 2 Area
The part of the Mallard’s Pike map which will be used for Day 2 and the VHI relay is mostly flat with networks of drainage ditches, or gently sloping. The longer Caddihoe courses will visit a hillier area with old mine workings, although there is no little or no overlap between the Day 1 and Day 2 areas.
The competition area is divided by paths and tracks into blocks mainly of mature coniferous and broad leaved woodland, although there is a strip of sometimes marshy rough open land with scattered trees along the Blackpool Brook. The Brook can normally be crossed at any point, but competitors should be aware that in extreme wet weather conditions it may be necessary to enforce mandatory crossing points.
Runners should also take care when crossing the Family Cycle Trail which may have fast cycle traffic heading downhill (southwards).
The courses have been planned with a relatively high number of controls to try to minimise path running. Many of the coniferous blocks will be fast running, as there is little or no vegetation underfoot, although open areas, track margins and sparser woodland may still be affected by seasonal undergrowth in October.
There is a large enclosure mapped as surrounded by a high fence. You are permitted to cross this fence at any point you wish, though as it is over 2m tall and generally in good condition it is likely to be quicker to use one of the two gates or several mapped gaps in the fence. These will be marked with tapes.
A second enclosureis mapped as surrounded by a ruined fence. This is locally 2m tall, but has numerous gaps and collapsed lengths, and is little barrier to progress.
The area in use for the relay is part of the wider competition area for Day 2 of the Caddihoe Chase, and there will be additional controls already in the forest for this later event. The controls for both events will be located such that minimum distances between controls are respected.
Day 2 Starts
The VHI Relay start and handover pen are close to but quite separate from the Caddihoe/Day 2 starts. There will be clear signage directing you to the Caddihoe Start.
The single Caddihoe start is about 130m from the middle of the arena, and caters for both chasing and punching starts, as described below. The start funnel is lengthened for the chasing start, and call-up is within 50m of the Arena.
A Chasing Start means that provided you finished on Day 1 within the declared cut-off time, your start time is determined by your Day 1 finish time. If you finished outside the cut-off time, were disqualified, or did not run on Day 1, you will start probably after the cut-off time has passed on Day 2.
The cut-off time is 100 minutes for runners on Black, Brown and Short Brown courses, and 90 minutes for all other courses.
Day 2 runners therefore fall into 3 categories as far as starting is concerned:
- Runners with a Chasing Start.
- Runners who ran Day 1 but did not finish within the chasing start cut-off, retired or mispunched, and runners pre-entered on Day 2 only
- Entry On the Day (EOD) runners
Use the chart on the right to determine whether you have a chasing or punching start.
Chasing Start Runners
You can calculate your start time by adding your Day 1 finish time to the Day 2 base time for your course, as shown in the adjacent chart. The base time for Black, Brown and Short Brown courses is 10:00, and for all other courses is 11:00
Thus if you ran 67:07 on Blue on Day 1 your Day 2 start time will be 12:07:07. If you ran 94:23 on Brown on Day 1, your start time on Day 2 will be 11:34:23. If you ran 123:13 on Blue, you will have a punching start at or soon after 12:30 on Day 2.
All runners in the chasing start - i.e. within the cut-off time - have a timed start, and will not punch a start control. You will be timed from your calculated start time even if starting late.
The chasing start procedure is as follows:
- -6 call-up; at 1 minute intervals, all starters in that minute are called into the call-up box
- You are issued with an adhesive start number label, to be stuck somewhere prominent on your running vest
- You are formed into single file in start number order, punch check, and move down the start funnel
- You will pass control description pick up and SIAC test in the start funnel; there are no blank maps
- You arrive at the map boxes, pick up your map and hold it against your leg, not looking at it; you keep moving down the start queue
- You enter a start tent, where you will see a computer display showing your name and counting down the seconds to your start time. You go on the beep when your name gets to the top of the start list.
In the event of computer failure you will be started by the Start official from a paper list.
Non-Chasing Start and Day 2 Only Runners
Day 2 only runners and those who missed the cut-off will probably be started at 30 second intervals after the cut-off time, which is 11:40 for Black, Brown and Short Brown courses or 12:30 for all other courses, on a turn up and go basis. Please report to the Punching Start official, as soon as you can after these times. All runners in this group must punch the Start control. We will, however be reviewing this process, and may start non-Caddihoe qualifiers earlier if practical.
EOD Runners
EOD runners may go to the Start, report to the Punching Start official, and go when ready. You do not need to wait for the cut-off time, and can start as soon as you wish after the start opens, which should be about 11:00. You must punch the Start control.
Day 2 Courses
No | Course | Distance(Km) | Climb(m) | Controls | Map size | Scale |
1 | Black | 10.0 | 120 | 29 | A3 | 1:7,500 |
2 | Brown | 8.3 | 120 | 23 | A3 | 1:7,500 |
3 | Short Brown | 6.9 | 100 | 23 | A3 | 1:7,500 |
4 | Blue | 5.6 | 80 | 18 | A4 | 1:7,500 |
5 | Short Blue | 4.6 | 65 | 13 | A4 | 1:7,500 |
6 | Green | 4.1 | 55 | 14 | A4 | 1:7,500 |
7 | Short Green | 3.3 | 45 | 13 | A4 | 1:7,500 |
8 | Very Short Green | 2.8 | 45 | 11 | A4 | 1:7,500 |
9 | Light Green | 3.2 | 60 | 10 | A4 | 1:7,500 |
10 | Orange | 2.9 | 40 | 11 | A4 | 1:7,500 |
11 | Yellow | 2.4 | 35 | 12 | A4 | 1:7,500 |
12 | White | 1.6 | 20 | 10 | A4 | 1:7,500 |
The Finish is on the Western end, next to the Relay Handover pen. There is a common Finish for the VHI Relay and the Caddihoe Chase. The Relay start is fairly close to the Caddihoe Start, so please make sure you follow the taped route to the Caddihoe Start, and do not interfere with any Relay runners.
The Relay will start at 09:30, and the base time for the Caddihoe is 10:00 or 11:00, depending on course, so that the first Caddihoe runner will probably start just before 11:00. Please try to come early and support your national VHI relay team while waiting to start the Chase.
On Day 2 the string course is located towards to NE end of the arena. You will pass through it as you arrive at the arena from the car park, and should be careful not to trip on the string, or disrupt the progress of small followers of the trail. It will be open from 10:30 to 14:30, and features NGOC's well know Mr Men.
The Veterans Home International
The Veteran Home International (VHI) is an annual competition between teams from England, Ireland (Northern Ireland and Eire), Scotland and Wales. Each team comprises 2 men and 2 women in each age group 40, 45, 50, 55 and 60, and one man and one woman in age groups 35 and 65: 24 athletes per team.
Rules and Guidelines for the VHI are published on the British Orienteering website, at
The Invidual Race
The VHI individual race on Day 1 will use the same courses as the South West Championships. VHI competitors will start between 10:00 and 11:00, with SW Champs runners starting from 11:15. In the VHI, all individuals count towards the team score.
The VHI Day 1 Start list is now published here
The Relay
The VHI relays on Day 2 will have 2 mass starts, at 09:30 and 09:35, with the relay changeover area located in the main event arena. There are two relay classes: MWM - 2 Men + 1 Woman - and WMW - 2 Women + 1 Man. Nations may enter 4 teams in each class with their best 3 to score. The aggregate of each team’s BOF ages is to be 145 or greater. The Caddihoe chasing start will have a base time - 11:00 - which will allow you to support your national team. The Caddihoe Start is adjacent to the Relay Start.
Points gained by a nation in the relays are to be added to the points gained by a nation in the 14 individual classes with the highest combined score winning.
There are 4 trophies:
- The Quaich for the nation that wins the relays.
- The Lagan Valley Rosebowl for the nation that wins the individual event.
- The Mickelgate Bar Trophy for the overall winning nation.
- The "Stonewall Trophy" is presented to either Wales or Ireland, whichever has the greater combined points total.
The results of last year's VHI, hosted by WOA at Dolgellau, can be seen at: